Hornets nest


Created by Steven Badgley 14 years ago
So just a story I was thinking about today; unfortunately it has no real point except that is a good memory. Scott used to have an old red Corvette, with white interior. Well I used to try to help him work on it all the time, but since I was 12 I'm sure I was more of a burden than anything, Scott didn't seem to mind. Well right before Scott left for the Marine Corps he had to put the Corvette behind our grandmothers shed. Getting the car to the house was a big enough ordeal, but we won't get into that story. When we finally got it to grandma's we had the task of pushing it through her large back yard, under 2 pine trees, and around the shed. Well on our way under the trees we accidentally knocked down a hornets nest. We initially tried to get the car through the danger zone, but as the hornets started to swarm us we gave up and made a full sprint towards the house. After numerous stings, and an intense run we made it to the house and enjoyed the next few hours taking car of our wounds and trying to figure out how to move the car; which was accomplished that night.